IScheduler Interrupt Method (JobKey)Quartz.NET API Documentation
Request the interruption, within this Scheduler instance, of all currently executing instances of the identified IJob, which must be an implementor of the IInterruptableJob interface.

Namespace: Quartz
Assembly: Quartz (in Quartz.dll) Version:

bool Interrupt(
	JobKey jobKey


Type: Quartz JobKey

[Missing <param name="jobKey"/> documentation for "M:Quartz.IScheduler.Interrupt(Quartz.JobKey)"]

Return Value

Type: Boolean
true is at least one instance of the identified job was found and interrupted.

If more than one instance of the identified job is currently executing, the Interrupt  method will be called on each instance. However, there is a limitation that in the case that Interrupt(JobKey) on one instances throws an exception, all remaining instances (that have not yet been interrupted) will not have their Interrupt(JobKey) method called.

If you wish to interrupt a specific instance of a job (when more than one is executing) you can do so by calling GetCurrentlyExecutingJobs  to obtain a handle to the job instance, and then invoke Interrupt(JobKey) on it yourself.

This method is not cluster aware. That is, it will only interrupt instances of the identified InterruptableJob currently executing in this Scheduler instance, not across the entire cluster.

See Also