StringKeyDirtyFlagMap Put Method Quartz.NET API Documentation
Overload List

Public methodPut(TKey, TValue)
Puts the value behind a specified key.
(Inherited from DirtyFlagMap TKey, TValue .)
Public methodPut(String, Boolean)
Adds the given Boolean value to the IJob's data map.
Public methodPut(String, Char)
Adds the given Char value to the IJob's data map.
Public methodPut(String, Double)
Adds the given Double value to the IJob's data map.
Public methodPut(String, Int32)
Adds the given Int32 value to the IJob's data map.
Public methodPut(String, Int64)
Adds the given Int64 value to the IJob's data map.
Public methodPut(String, Single)
Adds the given Single value to the IJob's data map.
Public methodPut(String, String)
Adds the given String value to the IJob's data map.
See Also