Quartz.Util NamespaceQuartz.NET API Documentation

Public classDataReaderExtensions
Extension methods for simplified IDataReader access.
Public classDBConnectionManager
Manages a collection of IDbProviders, and provides transparent access to their database.
Public classDictionaryExtensions
Public classDirtyFlagMap TKey, TValue 
An implementation of IDictionary that wraps another IDictionary and flags itself 'dirty' when it is modified.
Public classFileUtil
Utility class for file handling related things.
Public classKey T 
Object representing a job or trigger key.
Public classLogicalThreadContext
Wrapper class to access thread local data. Data is either accessed from thread or HTTP Context's data if HTTP Context is avaiable.
Public classObjectExtensions
Generic extension methods for objects.
Public classObjectUtils
Utility methods that are used to convert objects from one type into another.
Public classPropertiesParser
This is an utility class used to parse the properties.
Public classQuartzEnvironment
Environment access helpers that fail gracefully if under medium trust.
Public classStringExtensions
Extension methods for String.
Public classStringKeyDirtyFlagMap
An implementation of IDictionary that wraps another IDictionary and flags itself 'dirty' when it is modified, enforces that all keys are strings.
Public classTimeZoneUtil

Public interfaceIDbConnectionManager
Manages a collection of IDbProviders, and provides transparent access to their database.