StdAdoDelegate MembersQuartz.NET API Documentation

The StdAdoDelegate type exposes the following members.


Public methodStdAdoDelegate
Initializes a new instance of the StdAdoDelegate class

Public methodAddCommandParameter(IDbCommand, String, Object)
Public methodAddCommandParameter(IDbCommand, String, Object, Enum)
Protected methodAddDefaultTriggerPersistenceDelegates
Public methodAddTriggerPersistenceDelegate
Public methodCalendarExists
Check whether or not a calendar exists.
Public methodCalendarIsReferenced
Check whether or not a calendar is referenced by any triggers.
Public methodClearData
Clear (delete!) all scheduling data - all IJobs, ITriggers ICalendars.
Protected methodConvertFromProperty
Convert the JobDataMap into a list of properties.
Protected methodConvertToProperty
Convert the JobDataMap into a list of properties.
Public methodCountMisfiredTriggersInState
Get the number of triggers in the given state that have misfired - according to the given timestamp.
Public methodDeleteAllPausedTriggerGroups
Deletes all paused trigger groups.
Public methodDeleteBlobTrigger
Delete the cron trigger data for a trigger.
Public methodDeleteCalendar
Delete a calendar.
Public methodDeleteFiredTrigger
Delete a fired trigger.
Public methodDeleteFiredTriggers(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder)
Delete all fired triggers.
Public methodDeleteFiredTriggers(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, String)
Delete all fired triggers of the given instance.
Public methodDeleteJobDetail
Delete the job detail record for the given job.
Public methodDeletePausedTriggerGroup(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, GroupMatcher TriggerKey )
Public methodDeletePausedTriggerGroup(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, String)
Deletes the paused trigger group.
Public methodDeleteSchedulerState
Deletes the state of the scheduler.
Public methodDeleteTrigger
Delete the base trigger data for a trigger.
Protected methodDeleteTriggerExtension
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindTriggerPersistenceDelegate(String)
Public methodFindTriggerPersistenceDelegate(IOperableTrigger)
Public methodGetBooleanFromDbValue
Gets the boolean value from db presentation. Subclasses can overwrite this behaviour.
Public methodGetDateTimeFromDbValue
Gets the date/time value from db presentation. Subclasses can overwrite this behaviour.
Public methodGetDbBooleanValue
Gets the db presentation for boolean value. Subclasses can overwrite this behaviour.
Public methodGetDbDateTimeValue
Gets the db presentation for date/time value. Subclasses can overwrite this behaviour.
Public methodGetDbTimeSpanValue
Gets the db presentation for time span value. Subclasses can overwrite this behaviour.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetJobDataFromBlob T 
This method should be overridden by any delegate subclasses that need special handling for BLOBs for job details.
Protected methodGetKeyOfNonSerializableValue
Protected methodGetObjectFromBlob T 
This method should be overridden by any delegate subclasses that need special handling for BLOBs. The default implementation uses standard ADO.NET operations.
Protected methodGetSelectNextTriggerToAcquireSql
Protected methodGetStorableJobTypeName
Public methodGetTimeSpanFromDbValue
Gets the time span value from db presentation. Subclasses can overwrite this behaviour.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasMisfiredTriggersInState(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, String, DateTimeOffset)
Get the names of all of the triggers in the given state that have misfired - according to the given timestamp.
Public methodHasMisfiredTriggersInState(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, String, DateTimeOffset, Int32, IList TriggerKey )
Get the names of all of the triggers in the given state that have misfired - according to the given timestamp. No more than count will be returned.
Public methodInitialize
Initializes the driver delegate.
Public methodInsertBlobTrigger
Insert the blob trigger data.
Public methodInsertCalendar
Insert a new calendar.
Public methodInsertFiredTrigger
Insert a fired trigger.
Public methodInsertJobDetail
Insert the job detail record.
Public methodInsertPausedTriggerGroup
Inserts the paused trigger group.
Public methodInsertSchedulerState
Inserts the state of the scheduler.
Public methodInsertTrigger
Insert the base trigger data.
Public methodIsExistingTriggerGroup
Determines whether given trigger group already exists.
Public methodIsJobStateful
Check whether or not the given job is stateful.
Protected methodIsMatcherEquals T 
Public methodIsTriggerGroupPaused
Determines whether the specified trigger group is paused.
Public methodJobExists
Check whether or not the given job exists.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPrepareCommand
Protected methodReadBytesFromBlob
Protected methodReplaceTablePrefix
Replace the table prefix in a query by replacing any occurrences of "{0}" with the table prefix.
Public methodSelectCalendar
Select a calendar.
Public methodSelectCalendars
Select all of the stored calendars.
Public methodSelectFiredTriggerInstanceNames
Select the distinct instance names of all fired-trigger records.
Public methodSelectFiredTriggerRecords
Select the states of all fired-trigger records for a given trigger, or trigger group if trigger name is  .
Public methodSelectFiredTriggerRecordsByJob
Select the states of all fired-trigger records for a given job, or job group if job name is  .
Public methodSelectInstancesFiredTriggerRecords
Select the states of all fired-trigger records for a given scheduler instance.
Public methodSelectJobDetail
Select the JobDetail object for a given job name / group name.
Public methodSelectJobExecutionCount
Selects the job execution count.
Public methodSelectJobForTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey, ITypeLoadHelper)
Public methodSelectJobForTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey, ITypeLoadHelper, Boolean)
Public methodSelectJobGroups
Select all of the job group names that are stored.
Public methodSelectJobsInGroup
Select all of the jobs contained in a given group.
Public methodSelectMisfiredTriggers
Get the names of all of the triggers that have misfired.
Public methodSelectMisfiredTriggersInGroupInState
Get the names of all of the triggers in the given group and state that have misfired.
Public methodSelectNumCalendars
Select the total number of calendars stored.
Public methodSelectNumJobs
Select the total number of jobs stored.
Public methodSelectNumTriggers
Select the total number of triggers stored.
Public methodSelectNumTriggersForJob
Select the number of triggers associated with a given job.
Public methodSelectPausedTriggerGroups
Selects the paused trigger groups.
Public methodSelectSchedulerStateRecords
A List of all current SchedulerStateRecords.

If instanceId is not null, then only the record for the identified instance will be returned.

Public methodSelectTrigger
Select a trigger.
Public methodSelectTriggerForFireTime
Select the trigger that will be fired at the given fire time.
Public methodSelectTriggerGroups(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder)
Select all of the trigger group names that are stored.
Public methodSelectTriggerGroups(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, GroupMatcher TriggerKey )
Public methodSelectTriggerJobDataMap
Select a trigger's JobDataMap.
Public methodSelectTriggerNamesForJob
Get the names of all of the triggers associated with the given job.
Public methodSelectTriggersForCalendar
Select the triggers for a calendar
Public methodSelectTriggersForJob
Select the triggers for a job
Public methodSelectTriggersForRecoveringJobs
Select all of the triggers for jobs that are requesting recovery. The returned trigger objects will have unique "recoverXXX" trigger names and will be in the DefaultRecoveryGroup trigger group.
Public methodSelectTriggersInGroup
Select all of the triggers contained in a given group.
Public methodSelectTriggersInState
Select all of the triggers in a given state.
Public methodSelectTriggerState
Select a trigger's state value.
Public methodSelectTriggerStatus
Select a trigger status (state and next fire time).
Public methodSelectTriggerToAcquire
Select the next trigger which will fire to fire between the two given timestamps in ascending order of fire time, and then descending by priority.
Public methodSerializeJobData
Remove the transient data from and then create a serialized MemoryStream version of a JobDataMap and returns the underlying bytes.
Protected methodSerializeObject
Create a serialized version of an Object.
Protected methodToSqlEqualsClause T 
Protected methodToSqlLikeClause T 
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTriggerExists
Check whether or not a trigger exists.
Public methodUpdateBlobTrigger
Update the blob trigger data.
Public methodUpdateCalendar
Update a calendar.
Public methodUpdateFiredTrigger

Update a fired trigger.

Public methodUpdateJobData
Update the job data map for the given job.
Public methodUpdateJobDetail
Update the job detail record.
Public methodUpdateSchedulerState
Updates the state of the scheduler.
Public methodUpdateTrigger
Update the base trigger data.
Public methodUpdateTriggerGroupStateFromOtherState
Update all of the triggers of the given group to the given new state, if they are in the given old state.
Public methodUpdateTriggerGroupStateFromOtherStates
Update all triggers in the given group to the given new state, if they are in one of the given old states.
Public methodUpdateTriggerState
Update the state for a given trigger.
Public methodUpdateTriggerStateFromOtherState
Update the given trigger to the given new state, if it is in the given old state.
Public methodUpdateTriggerStateFromOtherStates
Update the given trigger to the given new state, if it is one of the given old states.
Public methodUpdateTriggerStatesForJob
Update the states of all triggers associated with the given job.
Public methodUpdateTriggerStatesForJobFromOtherState
Updates the state of the trigger states for job from other.
Public methodUpdateTriggerStatesFromOtherStates
Insert the job detail record.

Protected propertyCanUseProperties
Protected propertySchedulerNameLiteral
See Also