JobStoreCMT MembersQuartz.NET API Documentation

The JobStoreCMT type exposes the following members.


Public methodJobStoreCMT
Initializes a new instance of the JobStoreCMT class

Protected methodAcquireNextTrigger (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodAcquireNextTriggers
Get a handle to the next N triggers to be fired, and mark them as 'reserved' by the calling scheduler.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodCalcFailedIfAfter (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodCalendarExists (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodCheckBlockedState
Determines if a Trigger for the given job should be blocked. State can only transition to StatePausedBlocked/StateBlocked from StatePaused/StateWaiting respectively.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodCheckExists(JobKey)
Determine whether a IJob with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodCheckExists(TriggerKey)
Determine whether a ITrigger with the given identifier already exists within the scheduler.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodCheckExists(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, JobKey) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodCheckExists(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodCleanupConnection
Cleanup the given database connection. This means restoring any modified auto commit or transaction isolation connection attributes, and then closing the underlying connection.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodClearAllSchedulingData 
Clear (delete!) all scheduling data - all IJobs, ITriggers ICalendars.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodClearAllSchedulingData(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodClearAndGetSignalSchedulingChangeOnTxCompletion (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodCloseConnection
Closes the supplied connection.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodClusterCheckIn (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodClusterRecover (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodCommitConnection
Commit the supplied connection.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodDoCheckin (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodDoRecoverMisfires (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodExecuteInLock(String, Action ConnectionAndTransactionHolder ) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodExecuteInLock T (String, Func ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, T )
Execute the given callback having optionally acquired the given lock. Because CMT assumes that the connection is already part of a managed transaction, it does not attempt to commit or rollback the enclosing transaction.
(Overrides JobStoreSupport ExecuteInLock T (String, Func ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, T ).)
Protected methodExecuteInLock T (String, Func ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, T )
Execute the given callback having acquired the given lock. Depending on the JobStore, the surrounding transaction may be assumed to be already present (managed).
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodExecuteInNonManagedTXLock(String, Action ConnectionAndTransactionHolder ) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodExecuteInNonManagedTXLock T (String, Func ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, T ) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodExecuteInNonManagedTXLock T (String, Func ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, T , Func ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, T, Boolean )
Execute the given callback having optionally acquired the given lock. This uses the non-managed transaction connection.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodExecuteWithoutLock T 
Execute the given callback in a transaction. Depending on the JobStore, the surrounding transaction may be assumed to be already present (managed).
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFindFailedInstances
Get a list of all scheduler instances in the cluster that may have failed. This includes this scheduler if it is checking in for the first time.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetCalendarNames 
Get the names of all of the ICalendar s in the IJobStore.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetCalendarNames(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetConnection
Gets the connection and starts a new transaction.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetFiredTriggerRecordId (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetJobGroupNames 
Get the names of all of the IJob groups.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetJobGroupNames(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetJobKeys
Get the names of all of the IJob s that have the given group name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetJobNames (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetNonManagedTXConnection
Gets the non managed TX connection.
(Overrides JobStoreSupport GetNonManagedTXConnection .)
Public methodGetNumberOfCalendars 
Get the number of ICalendar s that are stored in the IJobStore.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetNumberOfCalendars(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetNumberOfJobs 
Get the number of IJob s that are stored in the IJobStore.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetNumberOfJobs(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetNumberOfTriggers 
Get the number of ITrigger s that are stored in the IJobStore.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetNumberOfTriggers(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetPausedTriggerGroups  (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetPausedTriggerGroups(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder)
Pause all of the ITriggers in the given group.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetTriggerGroupNames 
Get the names of all of the ITrigger groups.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetTriggerGroupNames(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetTriggerKeys
Get the names of all of the ITrigger s that have the given group name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetTriggerNames (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetTriggersForJob(JobKey)
Get all of the Triggers that are associated to the given Job.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodGetTriggersForJob(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, JobKey) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetTriggerState(TriggerKey)
Get the current state of the identified ITrigger.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetTriggerState(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey)
Gets the state of the trigger.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitialize
Called by the QuartzScheduler before the IJobStore is used, in order to give the it a chance to Initialize.
(Overrides JobStoreSupport Initialize(ITypeLoadHelper, ISchedulerSignaler).)
Public methodIsJobGroupPaused
returns true if the given JobGroup is paused
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodIsTriggerGroupPaused
returns true if the given TriggerGroup is paused
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodJobExists
Check existence of a given job.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodLogWarnIfNonZero (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPauseAll  (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodPauseAll(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodPauseJob
Pause the IJob with the given name - by pausing all of its current ITriggers.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodPauseJobs
Pause all of the IJobs in the given group - by pausing all of their ITriggers.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodPauseTrigger(TriggerKey)
Pause the ITrigger with the given name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodPauseTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey)
Pause the ITrigger with the given name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodPauseTriggerGroup
Pause all of the ITriggers in the given group.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodPauseTriggers
Pause all of the ITriggers in the given group.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRecoverJobs 
Will recover any failed or misfired jobs and clean up the data store as appropriate.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRecoverJobs(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder)
Will recover any failed or misfired jobs and clean up the data store as appropriate.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRecoverMisfiredJobs (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodReleaseAcquiredTrigger(IOperableTrigger)
Inform the IJobStore that the scheduler no longer plans to fire the given ITrigger, that it had previously acquired (reserved).
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodReleaseAcquiredTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, IOperableTrigger) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodReleaseLock (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRemoveCalendar(String)
Remove (delete) the ICalendar with the given name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRemoveCalendar(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, String) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRemoveJob(JobKey)
Remove (delete) the IJob with the given name, and any ITrigger s that reference it.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRemoveJob(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, JobKey, Boolean) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRemoveJobs (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRemoveTrigger(TriggerKey)
Remove (delete) the ITrigger with the given name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRemoveTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRemoveTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey, IJobDetail) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRemoveTriggers (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodReplaceTrigger(TriggerKey, IOperableTrigger) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodReplaceTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey, IOperableTrigger) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodResumeAll  (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodResumeAll(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder)
Resume (un-pause) all triggers - equivalent of calling ResumeTriggers(GroupMatcher TriggerKey ) on every group.

If any ITrigger missed one or more fire-times, then the ITrigger's misfire instruction will be applied.

(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodResumeJob
Resume (un-pause) the IJob with the given name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodResumeJobs
Resume (un-pause) all of the IJobs in the given group.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodResumeTrigger(TriggerKey) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodResumeTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey)
Resume (un-pause) the ITrigger with the given name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodResumeTriggers(GroupMatcher TriggerKey ) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodResumeTriggers(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, GroupMatcher TriggerKey )
Resume (un-pause) all of the ITriggers in the given group.

If any ITrigger missed one or more fire-times, then the ITrigger's misfire instruction will be applied.

(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRetrieveCalendar(String)
Retrieve the given ITrigger.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRetrieveCalendar(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, String) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRetrieveJob(JobKey)
Retrieve the IJobDetail for the given IJob.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRetrieveJob(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, JobKey) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodRetrieveTrigger(TriggerKey)
Retrieve the given ITrigger.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRetrieveTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, TriggerKey) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRetryExecuteInNonManagedTXLock(String, Action ConnectionAndTransactionHolder ) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRetryExecuteInNonManagedTXLock T (String, Func ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, T ) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodRollbackConnection
Rollback the supplied connection.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodSchedulerPaused
Called by the QuartzScheduler to inform the JobStore that the scheduler has been paused.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodSchedulerResumed
Called by the QuartzScheduler to inform the JobStore that the scheduler has resumed after being paused.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodSchedulerStarted (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodShutdown
Called by the QuartzScheduler to inform the IJobStore that it should free up all of it's resources because the scheduler is shutting down.
(Overrides JobStoreSupport Shutdown .)
Protected methodSignalSchedulingChangeImmediately (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodSignalSchedulingChangeOnTxCompletion (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodStoreCalendar(String, ICalendar, Boolean, Boolean)
Store the given ICalendar.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodStoreCalendar(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, String, ICalendar, Boolean, Boolean) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodStoreJob(IJobDetail, Boolean)
Stores the given IJobDetail.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodStoreJob(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, IJobDetail, Boolean)

Insert or update a job.

(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodStoreJobAndTrigger
Store the given IJobDetail and IOperableTrigger.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodStoreJobsAndTriggers (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodStoreTrigger(IOperableTrigger, Boolean)
Store the given ITrigger.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodStoreTrigger(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, IOperableTrigger, IJobDetail, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Insert or update a trigger.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTriggeredJobComplete(IOperableTrigger, IJobDetail, SchedulerInstruction)
Inform the IJobStore that the scheduler has completed the firing of the given ITrigger (and the execution its associated IJob), and that the JobDataMap in the given IJobDetail should be updated if the IJob is stateful.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodTriggeredJobComplete(ConnectionAndTransactionHolder, IOperableTrigger, IJobDetail, SchedulerInstruction) (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodTriggerExists
Check existence of a given trigger.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodTriggerFired (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public methodTriggersFired (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected methodUpdateMisfiredTrigger (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)

Protected fieldcalendarCache (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected fielddelegateType (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected fielddelegateTypeName (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected fieldfirstCheckIn (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected fieldlastCheckin (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)

Public propertyAcquireTriggersWithinLock
Whether or not the query and update to acquire a Trigger for firing should be performed after obtaining an explicit DB lock (to avoid possible race conditions on the trigger's db row). This is is considered unnecessary for most databases (due to the nature of the SQL update that is performed), and therefore a superfluous performance hit.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyCanUseProperties
Get whether String-only properties will be handled in JobDataMaps.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyClusterCheckinInterval
Get or set the frequency at which this instance "checks-in" with the other instances of the cluster. -- Affects the rate of detecting failed instances.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyClustered
Get or set whether this instance is part of a cluster.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyConnectionManager
Get or set the database connection manager.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyDataSource
Get or set the datasource name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected propertyDbMetadata (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyDbRetryInterval
Gets or sets the database retry interval.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected propertyDelegate
Get the driver delegate for DB operations.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyDontSetAutoCommitFalse
Don't call set autocommit(false) on connections obtained from the DataSource. This can be helpfull in a few situations, such as if you have a driver that complains if it is called when it is already off.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyDoubleCheckLockMisfireHandler
Get whether to check to see if there are Triggers that have misfired before actually acquiring the lock to recover them. This should be set to false if the majority of the time, there are are misfired Triggers.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyDriverDelegateInitString
The driver delegate's initialization string.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyDriverDelegateType
Get or set the ADO.NET driver delegate class name.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyEstimatedTimeToReleaseAndAcquireTrigger (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyInstanceId
Get or set the instance Id of the Scheduler (must be unique within a cluster).
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyInstanceName
Get or set the instance Id of the Scheduler (must be unique within this server instance).
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected propertyLockHandler (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyLockOnInsert
Whether or not to obtain locks when inserting new jobs/triggers.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected propertyLog
Gets the log.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyMakeThreadsDaemons
Get whether the threads spawned by this JobStore should be marked as daemon. Possible threads include the MisfireHandler and the ClusterManager.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyMaxMisfiresToHandleAtATime
Get or set the maximum number of misfired triggers that the misfire handling thread will try to recover at one time (within one transaction). The default is 20.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyMisfireThreshold
The time span by which a trigger must have missed its next-fire-time, in order for it to be considered "misfired" and thus have its misfire instruction applied.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected propertyMisfireTime (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyObjectSerializer (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyOpenConnection
Instructs this job store whether connections should be automatically opened.
Public propertySelectWithLockSQL
set the SQL statement to use to select and lock a row in the "locks" table.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertySupportsPersistence
Indicates whether this job store supports persistence.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyTablePrefix
Get or sets the prefix that should be pre-pended to all table names.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyThreadExecutor (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyThreadPoolSize (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyTxIsolationLevelSerializable
Set the transaction isolation level of DB connections to sequential.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Protected propertyTypeLoadHelper (Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyUseDBLocks
Get or set whether this instance should use database-based thread synchronization.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
Public propertyUseProperties
Set whether string-only properties will be handled in JobDataMaps.
(Inherited from JobStoreSupport.)
See Also