TriggerUtils ComputeFireTimesBetween Method Quartz.NET API Documentation
Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a ITrigger that fall within the given date range. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.

NOTE: if this is a trigger that has previously fired within the given date range, then firings which have already occurred will not be listed in the output List.

Namespace: Quartz
Assembly: Quartz (in Quartz.dll) Version:

public static IList<DateTimeOffset> ComputeFireTimesBetween(
	IOperableTrigger trigg,
	ICalendar cal,
	DateTimeOffset from,
	DateTimeOffset to

Return Value

Type: IList DateTimeOffset 
List of java.util.Date objects
See Also