ITriggerListener MembersQuartz.NET API Documentation

The ITriggerListener type exposes the following members.


Public methodTriggerComplete
Called by the IScheduler when a Trigger has fired, it's associated JobDetail has been executed, and it's Triggered(ICalendar) method has been called.
Public methodTriggerFired
Called by the IScheduler when a Trigger has fired, and it's associated JobDetail is about to be executed.

It is called before the VetoJobExecution(Trigger, JobExecutionContext) method of this interface.

Public methodTriggerMisfired
Called by the IScheduler when a Trigger has misfired.

Consideration should be given to how much time is spent in this method, as it will affect all triggers that are misfiring. If you have lots of triggers misfiring at once, it could be an issue it this method does a lot.

Public methodVetoJobExecution
Called by the IScheduler when a Trigger has fired, and it's associated JobDetail is about to be executed.

It is called after the TriggerFired(Trigger, JobExecutionContext) method of this interface.


Public propertyName
Get the name of the ITriggerListener.
See Also