Quartz NamespaceQuartz.NET API Documentation

Public classCriticalSchedulerException
An exception that is thrown to indicate that there has been a critical failure within the scheduler's core services (such as loss of database connectivity).
Public classCronExpression
Provides a parser and evaluator for unix-like cron expressions. Cron expressions provide the ability to specify complex time combinations such as "At 8:00am every Monday through Friday" or "At 1:30am every last Friday of the month".
Public classCronTrigger
A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail at given moments in time, defined with Unix 'cron-like' definitions.
Public classJobDataMap
Holds state information for IJob instances.
Public classJobDetail
Conveys the detail properties of a given IJob instance.
Public classJobExecutionContext
A context bundle containing handles to various environment information, that is given to a JobDetail instance as it is executed, and to a Trigger instance after the execution completes.
Public classJobExecutionException
An exception that can be thrown by a IJob to indicate to the Quartz IScheduler that an error occured while executing, and whether or not the IJob requests to be re-fired immediately (using the same JobExecutionContext, or whether it wants to be unscheduled.
Public classJobPersistenceException
An exception that is thrown to indicate that there has been a failure in the scheduler's underlying persistence mechanism.
Public classNthIncludedDayTrigger
A trigger which fires on the Nth day of every interval type IntervalTypeWeekly, IntervalTypeMonthly or IntervalTypeYearly that is not excluded by the associated calendar.
Public classObjectAlreadyExistsException
An exception that is thrown to indicate that an attempt to store a new object (i.e. JobDetail,Trigger or ICalendar) in a IScheduler failed, because one with the same name and group already exists.
Public classQuartzThread
Support class used to handle threads
Public classSchedulerConfigException
An exception that is thrown to indicate that there is a misconfiguration of the ISchedulerFactory- or one of the components it configures.
Public classSchedulerContext
Holds context/environment data that can be made available to Jobs as they are executed.
Public classSchedulerException
Base class for exceptions thrown by the Quartz IScheduler.
Public classSchedulerMetaData
Describes the settings and capabilities of a given IScheduler instance.
Public classSimpleTrigger
A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail at a given moment in time, and optionally repeated at a specified interval.
Public classTimeSpanParseRuleAttribute
Attribute to use with public TimeSpan properties that can be set with Quartz configuration. Attribute can be used to advice parsing to use correct type of time span (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours) as it may depend on property.
Public classTrigger
The base abstract class to be extended by all triggers.
Public classTriggerUtils
Convenience and utility methods for simplifying the construction and configuration of Triggers.
Public classUnableToInterruptJobException
An exception that is thrown to indicate that a call to Interrupt  failed without interrupting the Job.
Public classValueSet
Helper class for cron expression handling.

Public structureMisfireInstruction
Misfire instructions.
Public structureMisfireInstruction CronTrigger
misfire instructions for CronTrigger
Public structureMisfireInstruction NthIncludedDayTrigger
misfire instructions for NthIncludedDayTrigger
Public structureMisfireInstruction SimpleTrigger
Misfire policy settings for SimpleTrigger.
Public structureSchedulerConstants
Scheduler constants.

Public interfaceICalendar
An interface to be implemented by objects that define spaces of time during which an associated Trigger may fire.
Public interfaceIInterruptableJob
The interface to be implemented by IJobs that provide a mechanism for having their execution interrupted. It is NOT a requirment for jobs to implement this interface - in fact, for most people, none of their jobs will.
Public interfaceIJob
The interface to be implemented by classes which represent a 'job' to be performed.
Public interfaceIJobListener
The interface to be implemented by classes that want to be informed when a JobDetail executes. In general, applications that use a IScheduler will not have use for this mechanism.
Public interfaceIScheduler
This is the main interface of a Quartz Scheduler.
Public interfaceISchedulerFactory
Provides a mechanism for obtaining client-usable handles to IScheduler instances.
Public interfaceISchedulerListener
The interface to be implemented by classes that want to be informed of major IScheduler events.
Public interfaceIStatefulJob
A marker interface for JobDetail s that wish to have their state maintained between executions.
Public interfaceIThreadRunnable
This interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed by a thread.
Public interfaceITriggerListener
The interface to be implemented by classes that want to be informed when a Trigger fires. In general, applications that use a IScheduler will not have use for this mechanism.

Public enumerationSchedulerInstruction
Instructs Scheduler what to do with a trigger and job.
Public enumerationTimeSpanParseRule
Possible parse rules for TimeSpans.
Public enumerationTriggerState
All trigger states known to Scheduler.