TriggerUtils MembersQuartz.NET API Documentation

The TriggerUtils type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberComputeFireTimes
Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.
Public methodStatic memberComputeFireTimesBetween
Returns a list of Dates that are the next fire times of a Trigger that fall within the given date range. The input trigger will be cloned before any work is done, so you need not worry about its state being altered by this method.

NOTE: if this is a trigger that has previously fired within the given date range, then firings which have already occured will not be listed in the output List.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetEvenHourDate
Returns a date that is rounded to the next even hour above the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54 would result in a date with the time of 09:00:00. If the date's time is in the 23rd hour, the date's 'day' will be promoted, and the time will be set to 00:00:00.

Public methodStatic memberGetEvenHourDateBefore
Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even hour below the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54 would result in a date with the time of 08:00:00.

Public methodStatic memberGetEvenMinuteDate
Returns a date that is rounded to the next even minute above the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54 would result in a date with the time of 08:14:00. If the date's time is in the 59th minute, then the hour (and possibly the day) will be promoted.

Public methodStatic memberGetEvenMinuteDateBefore
Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even minute below the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54 would result in a date with the time of 08:13:00.

Public methodStatic memberGetEvenSecondDate
Returns a date that is rounded to the next even second above the given date.
Public methodStatic memberGetEvenSecondDateBefore
Returns a date that is rounded to the previous even second below the given date.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54.341 would result in a date with the time of 08:13:00.000.

Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetNextGivenMinuteDate
Returns a date that is rounded to the next even multiple of the given minute.

For example an input date with a time of 08:13:54, and an input minute-base of 5 would result in a date with the time of 08:15:00. The same input date with an input minute-base of 10 would result in a date with the time of 08:20:00. But a date with the time 08:53:31 and an input minute-base of 45 would result in 09:00:00, because the even-hour is the next 'base' for 45-minute intervals.

More examples:
Input TimeMinute-BaseResult Time

Public methodStatic memberGetNextGivenSecondDate
Returns a date that is rounded to the next even multiple of the given minute.

The rules for calculating the second are the same as those for calculating the minute in the method GetNextGivenMinuteDate(Nullable DateTime , Int32).

Public methodStatic memberGetOffset
Gets the offset from UT for the given date in the given timezone, taking into account daylight savings.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberMakeDailyTrigger(Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every day at the given time.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeDailyTrigger(String, Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every day at the given time.

The generated trigger will not have its group or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeHourlyTrigger 
Make a trigger that will fire every hour, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeHourlyTrigger(Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeHourlyTrigger(String)
Make a trigger that will fire every hour, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeHourlyTrigger(Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeHourlyTrigger(String, Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N hours, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeImmediateTrigger(Int32, TimeSpan)
Make a trigger that will fire times, waiting between each fire.
Public methodStatic memberMakeImmediateTrigger(String, Int32, TimeSpan)
Make a trigger that will fire times, waiting between each fire.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeMinutelyTrigger 
Make a trigger that will fire every minute, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeMinutelyTrigger(Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeMinutelyTrigger(String)
Make a trigger that will fire every minute, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeMinutelyTrigger(Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeMinutelyTrigger(String, Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N minutes, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeMonthlyTrigger(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every month at the given day and time.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

If the day of the month specified does not occur in a given month, a firing will not occur that month. (i.e. if dayOfMonth is specified as 31, no firing will occur in the months of the year with fewer than 31 days).

Public methodStatic memberMakeMonthlyTrigger(String, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every month at the given day and time.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

If the day of the month specified does not occur in a given month, a firing will not occur that month. (i.e. if dayOfMonth is specified as 31, no firing will occur in the months of the year with fewer than 31 days).

Public methodStatic memberMakeSecondlyTrigger 
Make a trigger that will fire every second, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeSecondlyTrigger(Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeSecondlyTrigger(String)
Make a trigger that will fire every second, indefinitely.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeSecondlyTrigger(Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeSecondlyTrigger(String, Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every N seconds, with the given number of repeats.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeWeeklyTrigger(DayOfWeek, Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every week at the given day and time.

The generated trigger will not have its name, group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberMakeWeeklyTrigger(String, DayOfWeek, Int32, Int32)
Make a trigger that will fire every week at the given day and time.

The generated trigger will not have its group, or end-time set. The Start time defaults to 'now'.

Public methodStatic memberSetTriggerIdentity(Trigger, String)
Set the given Trigger's name to the given value, and its group to the default group (DefaultGroup).
Public methodStatic memberSetTriggerIdentity(Trigger, String, String)
Set the given Trigger's name to the given value, and its group to the given group.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberTranslateTime
Translate a date and time from a users timezone to the another (probably server) timezone to assist in creating a simple trigger with the right date and time.
Public methodStatic memberUseDaylightTime
This functions determines if the TimeZone uses daylight saving time

Public fieldStatic memberLastDayOfMonth
Constant indicating last day of month.
Public fieldStatic memberMillisecondsInDay
Milliseconds in day.
Public fieldStatic memberMillisecondsInHour
Milliseconds in hour.
Public fieldStatic memberMillisecondsInMinute
Milliseconds in minute.
Public fieldStatic memberSecondsInDay
Seconds in day.
See Also