NthIncludedDayTrigger MembersQuartz.NET API Documentation

The NthIncludedDayTrigger type exposes the following members.


Public methodNthIncludedDayTrigger 
Create an NthIncludedDayTrigger with no specified name, group, or JobDetail. This will result initially in a default monthly trigger that fires on the first day of every month at 12:00 PM (n = 1, intervalType=IntervalTypeMonthly, fireAtTime="12:00").
Public methodNthIncludedDayTrigger(String)
Create an NthIncludedDayTrigger with the given name and default group but no specified JobDetail. This will result initially in a default monthly trigger that fires on the first day of every month at 12:00 PM (n=1, intervalType=IntervalTypeMonthly, fireAtTime=12:00").

Note that JobName and JobGroup must be called before the NthIncludedDayTrigger can be placed into a IScheduler.

Public methodNthIncludedDayTrigger(String, String)
Create an NthIncludedDayTrigger with the given name and group but no specified JobDetail. This will result initially in a default monthly trigger that fires on the first day of every month at 12:00 PM (n=1, intervalType=IntervalTypeMonthly, fireAtTime=12:00").

Note that JobName and JobGroup must be called before the NthIncludedDayTrigger can be placed into a IScheduler.

Public methodNthIncludedDayTrigger(String, String, String, String)
Create an NthIncludedDayTrigger with the given name and group and the specified JobDetail. This will result initially in a default monthly trigger that fires on the first day of every month at 12:00 PM (n=1, intervalType=IntervalTypeMonthly, fireAtTime="12:00").

Public methodAddTriggerListener
Add the specified name of a ITriggerListener to the end of the Trigger's list of listeners.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public methodClearAllTriggerListeners
Remove all ITriggerListeners from the Trigger.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public methodCompareTo
Compare the next fire time of this Trigger to that of another.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public methodComputeFirstFireTimeUtc
Called by the scheduler at the time a Trigger is first added to the scheduler, in order to have the Trigger compute its first fire time, based on any associated calendar.

After this method has been called, GetNextFireTimeUtc  should return a valid answer.

(Overrides Trigger ComputeFirstFireTimeUtc(ICalendar).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public methodExecutionComplete
Called after the IScheduler has executed the JobDetail associated with the Trigger in order to get the final instruction code from the trigger.
(Overrides Trigger ExecutionComplete(JobExecutionContext, JobExecutionException).)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetFireTimeAfter
Returns the first time the NthIncludedDayTrigger will fire after the specified date.
(Overrides Trigger GetFireTimeAfter(Nullable DateTime ).)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode  is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public methodGetMayFireAgain
Used by the IScheduler to determine whether or not it is possible for this Trigger to fire again.
(Overrides Trigger GetMayFireAgain .)
Public methodGetNextFireTimeUtc
Returns the next UTC time at which the NthIncludedDayTrigger will fire. If the trigger will not fire again,   will be returned.
(Overrides Trigger GetNextFireTimeUtc .)
Public methodGetPreviousFireTimeUtc
Returns the previous UTC time at which the NthIncludedDayTrigger fired. If the trigger has not yet fired,   will be returned.
(Overrides Trigger GetPreviousFireTimeUtc .)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveTriggerListener
Remove the specified name of a ITriggerListener from the Trigger's list of listeners.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public methodToString
Return a simple string representation of this object.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public methodTriggered
Called when the IScheduler has decided to 'fire' the trigger (Execute the associated IJob), in order to give the Trigger a chance to update itself for its next triggering (if any).
(Overrides Trigger Triggered(ICalendar).)
Public methodUpdateAfterMisfire
Updates the NthIncludedDayTrigger's state based on the MisfireInstruction that was selected when the NthIncludedDayTrigger was created If the misfire instruction is set to MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_SMART_POLICY, then the instruction will be interpreted as FireOnceNow.
(Overrides Trigger UpdateAfterMisfire(ICalendar).)
Public methodUpdateWithNewCalendar
Updates the NthIncludedDayTrigger's state based on the given new version of the associated ICalendar.
(Overrides Trigger UpdateWithNewCalendar(ICalendar, TimeSpan).)
Public methodValidate
Validates whether the properties of the JobDetail are valid for submission into a IScheduler.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Protected methodValidateMisfireInstruction
Indicates whether is a valid misfire instruction for this Trigger.
(Overrides Trigger ValidateMisfireInstruction(Int32).)

Public fieldStatic memberIntervalTypeMonthly
Indicates a monthly trigger type (fires on the Nth included day of every month).
Public fieldStatic memberIntervalTypeWeekly
Indicates a weekly trigger type (fires on the Nth included day of every week). When using this interval type, care must be taken not to think of the value of n as an analog to DayOfWeek. Such a comparison can only be drawn when there are no calendars associated with the trigger. To illustrate, consider an NthIncludedDayTrigger with n = 3 which is associated with a Calendar excluding non-weekdays. The trigger would fire on the 3rdincluded day of the week, which would be 4thactual day of the week.
Public fieldStatic memberIntervalTypeYearly
indicates a yearly trigger type (fires on the Nth included day of every year).

Public propertyCalendarName
Get or set the ICalendar with the given name with this Trigger. Use   when setting to dis-associate a Calendar.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyDescription
Get or set the description given to the Trigger instance by its creator (if any).
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyEndTimeUtc
Returns the date/time on which the trigger must stop firing. This defines the final boundary for trigger firings 舒 the trigger will not fire after to this date and time. If this value is null, no end time boundary is assumed, and the trigger can continue indefinitely. Sets the date/time on which the trigger must stop firing. This defines the final boundary for trigger firings 舒 the trigger will not fire after to this date and time. If this value is null, no end time boundary is assumed, and the trigger can continue indefinitely.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyFinalFireTimeUtc
Returns the last UTC time the NthIncludedDayTrigger will fire. If the trigger will not fire at any point between and ,   will be returned.
(Overrides Trigger FinalFireTimeUtc.)
Public propertyFireAtTime
Returns the fire time for the NthIncludedDayTrigger as a string with the format "HH:MM[:SS]", with HH representing the 24-hour clock hour of the fire time. Seconds are optional and their inclusion depends on whether or not they were provided to FireAtTime.
Public propertyFireInstanceId
This method should not be used by the Quartz client.

Usable by IJobStore implementations, in order to facilitate 'recognizing' instances of fired Trigger s as their jobs complete execution.

(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyFullJobName
Returns the 'full name' of the IJob that the Trigger points to, in the format "group.name".
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyFullName
Returns the 'full name' of the Trigger in the format "group.name".
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyGroup
Get the group of this Trigger. If  , Scheduler.DefaultGroup will be used.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyHasAdditionalProperties
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has additional properties that should be considered when for example saving to database.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyHasMillisecondPrecision
Tells whether this Trigger instance can handle events in millisecond precision.
(Overrides Trigger HasMillisecondPrecision.)
Public propertyIntervalType
Returns the interval type for the NthIncludedDayTrigger.
Public propertyJobDataMap
Get or set the JobDataMap that is associated with the Trigger.

Changes made to this map during job execution are not re-persisted, and in fact typically result in an illegal state.

(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyJobGroup
Gets or sets the name of the associated JobDetail's group. If set with  , Scheduler.DefaultGroup will be used.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyJobName
Get or set the name of the associated JobDetail.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyKey
Gets the key.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyMisfireInstruction
Get or set the instruction the IScheduler should be given for handling misfire situations for this Trigger- the concrete Trigger type that you are using will have defined a set of additional MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_XXX constants that may be passed to this method.

If not explicitly set, the default value is InstructionNotSet.

(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyN
Gets or sets the day of the interval on which the NthIncludedDayTrigger should fire. If the Nth day of the interval does not exist (i.e. the 32nd of a month), the trigger simply will never fire. N may not be less than 1.
Public propertyName
Get or sets the name of this Trigger.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyNextFireCutoffInterval
Returns the nextFireCutoffInterval for the NthIncludedDayTrigger.
Public propertyPriority
The priority of a Trigger acts as a tie breaker such that if two Triggers have the same scheduled fire time, then Quartz will do its best to give the one with the higher priority first access to a worker thread.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyStartTimeUtc
The time at which the trigger's scheduling should start. May or may not be the first actual fire time of the trigger, depending upon the type of trigger and the settings of the other properties of the trigger. However the first actual first time will not be before this date.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyTimeZone
Sets or gets the time zone in which the FireAtTime will be resolved. If no time zone is provided, then the default time zone will be used.
Public propertyTriggerCalendarFirstDayOfWeek
Gets or sets the trigger's calendar first day of week rule.
Public propertyTriggerCalendarWeekRule
Gets or sets the trigger's calendar week rule.
Public propertyTriggerListenerNames
Returns an array of String s containing the names of all ITriggerListeners assigned to the Trigger, in the order in which they should be notified.
(Inherited from Trigger.)
Public propertyVolatile
Whether or not the Trigger should be persisted in the IJobStore for re-use after program restarts.

If not explicitly set, the default value is  .

(Inherited from Trigger.)
See Also