IScheduler MembersQuartz.NET API Documentation

The IScheduler type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddCalendar
Add (register) the given ICalendar to the Scheduler.
Public methodAddGlobalJobListener
Add the given IJobListener to the IScheduler's global list.
Public methodAddGlobalTriggerListener
Add the given ITriggerListener to the IScheduler's global list.
Public methodAddJob
Add the given IJob to the Scheduler - with no associated Trigger. The IJob will be 'dormant' until it is scheduled with a Trigger, or TriggerJob(String, String) is called for it.
Public methodAddJobListener
Add the given IJobListener to the IScheduler's list, of registered IJobListeners.
Public methodAddSchedulerListener
Register the given ISchedulerListener with the
Public methodAddTriggerListener
Add the given ITriggerListener to the IScheduler's list, of registered ITriggerListeners.
Public methodDeleteCalendar
Delete the identified ICalendar from the Scheduler.
Public methodDeleteJob
Delete the identified IJob from the Scheduler - and any associated Triggers.
Public methodGetCalendar
Get the ICalendar instance with the given name.
Public methodGetCalendarNames
Get the names of all registered ICalendar.
Public methodGetCurrentlyExecutingJobs
Return a list of JobExecutionContext objects that represent all currently executing Jobs in this Scheduler instance.
Public methodGetGlobalJobListener
Get the globalIJobListener that has the given name.
Public methodGetGlobalTriggerListener
Get the globalITriggerListener that has the given name.
Public methodGetJobDetail
Get the JobDetail for the IJob instance with the given name and group.
Public methodGetJobListener
Get the non-globalIJobListener that has the given name.
Public methodGetJobNames
Get the names of all the JobDetails in the given group.
Public methodGetMetaData
Get a SchedulerMetaData object describiing the settings and capabilities of the scheduler instance.
Public methodGetPausedTriggerGroups
Get the names of all Trigger groups that are paused.
Public methodGetTrigger
Get the Trigger instance with the given name and group.
Public methodGetTriggerListener
Get the non-globalITriggerListener that has the given name.
Public methodGetTriggerNames
Get the names of all the Triggers in the given group.
Public methodGetTriggersOfJob
Get all Trigger s that are associated with the identified JobDetail.
Public methodGetTriggerState
Get the current state of the identified Trigger.
Public methodInterrupt
Request the interruption, within this Scheduler instance, of all currently executing instances of the identified IJob, which must be an implementor of the IInterruptableJob interface.
Public methodIsJobGroupPaused
returns true if the given JobGroup is paused
Public methodIsTriggerGroupPaused
returns true if the given TriggerGroup is paused
Public methodPauseAll
Pause all triggers - similar to calling PauseTriggerGroup(String) on every group, however, after using this method ResumeAll  must be called to clear the scheduler's state of 'remembering' that all new triggers will be paused as they are added.
Public methodPauseJob
Pause the JobDetail with the given name - by pausing all of its current Triggers.
Public methodPauseJobGroup
Pause all of the JobDetails in the given group - by pausing all of their Triggers.
Public methodPauseTrigger
Pause the Trigger with the given name.
Public methodPauseTriggerGroup
Pause all of the Triggers in the given group.
Public methodRemoveGlobalJobListener(String)
Remove the identifed IJobListener from the IScheduler's list of global listeners.
Public methodRemoveGlobalJobListener(IJobListener)
Remove the given IJobListener from the IScheduler's list of global listeners.
Public methodRemoveGlobalTriggerListener(String)
Remove the identifed ITriggerListener from the IScheduler's list of global listeners.
Public methodRemoveGlobalTriggerListener(ITriggerListener)
Remove the given ITriggerListener from the IScheduler's list of global listeners.
Public methodRemoveJobListener
Remove the identifed IJobListener from the IScheduler's list of registered listeners.
Public methodRemoveSchedulerListener
Remove the given ISchedulerListener from the IScheduler.
Public methodRemoveTriggerListener
Remove the identifed ITriggerListener from the IScheduler's list of registered listeners.
Public methodRescheduleJob
Remove (delete) the Trigger with the given name, and store the new given one - which must be associated with the same job (the new trigger must have the job name & group specified) - however, the new trigger need not have the same name as the old trigger.
Public methodResumeAll
Resume (un-pause) all triggers - similar to calling ResumeTriggerGroup(String) on every group.
Public methodResumeJob
Resume (un-pause) the JobDetail with the given name.
Public methodResumeJobGroup
Resume (un-pause) all of the JobDetails in the given group.
Public methodResumeTrigger
Resume (un-pause) the Trigger with the given name.
Public methodResumeTriggerGroup
Resume (un-pause) all of the Triggers in the given group.
Public methodScheduleJob(Trigger)
Schedule the given Trigger with the IJob identified by the Trigger's settings.
Public methodScheduleJob(JobDetail, Trigger)
Add the given JobDetail to the Scheduler, and associate the given Trigger with it.
Public methodShutdown 
Halts the IScheduler's firing of Triggers, and cleans up all resources associated with the Scheduler. Equivalent to Shutdown(Boolean).
Public methodShutdown(Boolean)
Halts the IScheduler's firing of Triggers, and cleans up all resources associated with the Scheduler.
Public methodStandby
Temporarily halts the IScheduler's firing of Triggers.
Public methodStart
Starts the IScheduler's threads that fire Triggers. When a scheduler is first created it is in "stand-by" mode, and will not fire triggers. The scheduler can also be put into stand-by mode by calling the Standby  method.
Public methodStartDelayed
Calls Start  after the indicated delay. (This call does not block). This can be useful within applications that have initializers that create the scheduler immediately, before the resources needed by the executing jobs have been fully initialized.
Public methodTriggerJob(String, String)
Trigger the identified JobDetail (Execute it now) - the generated trigger will be non-volatile.
Public methodTriggerJob(String, String, JobDataMap)
Trigger the identified JobDetail (Execute it now) - the generated trigger will be non-volatile.
Public methodTriggerJobWithVolatileTrigger(String, String)
Trigger the identified JobDetail (Execute it now) - the generated trigger will be volatile.
Public methodTriggerJobWithVolatileTrigger(String, String, JobDataMap)
Trigger the identified JobDetail (Execute it now) - the generated trigger will be volatile.
Public methodUnscheduleJob
Remove the indicated Trigger from the scheduler.

Public propertyCalendarNames
Get the names of all registered ICalendars.
Public propertyContext
Returns the SchedulerContext of the IScheduler.
Public propertyGlobalJobListeners
Get a List containing all of the IJobListener s in the IScheduler'sglobal list.
Public propertyGlobalTriggerListeners
Get a List containing all of the ITriggerListener s in the IScheduler'sglobal list.
Public propertyInStandbyMode
Reports whether the IScheduler is in stand-by mode.
Public propertyIsShutdown
Reports whether the IScheduler has been Shutdown.
Public propertyIsStarted
Whether the scheduler has been started.
Public propertyJobFactory
Set the JobFactory that will be responsible for producing instances of IJob classes.
Public propertyJobGroupNames
Get the names of all known JobDetail groups.
Public propertyJobListenerNames
Get a Set containing the names of all the non-globalIJobListener s registered with the IScheduler.
Public propertySchedulerInstanceId
Returns the instance Id of the IScheduler.
Public propertySchedulerListeners
Get a List containing all of the ISchedulerListener s registered with the IScheduler.
Public propertySchedulerName
Returns the name of the IScheduler.
Public propertyTriggerGroupNames
Get the names of all known Trigger groups.
Public propertyTriggerListenerNames
Get a Set containing the names of all the non-globalITriggerListener s registered with the IScheduler.
See Also