XMLSchedulingDataProcessor Class

Quartz.NET 3.0 API Documentation
Parses an XML file that declares Jobs and their schedules (Triggers).
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Quartz.Xml
Assembly:  Quartz (in Quartz.dll) Version: 3.0.0

public class XMLSchedulingDataProcessor

The XMLSchedulingDataProcessor type exposes the following members.


Public methodXMLSchedulingDataProcessor
Constructor for XMLSchedulingDataProcessor.

Public propertyIgnoreDuplicates
If true (and OverWriteExistingData is false) then any job/triggers encountered in this file that have names that already exist in the scheduler will be ignored, and no error will be produced.
Protected propertyLoadedJobs
Protected propertyLoadedTriggers
Public propertyOverWriteExistingData
Whether the existing scheduling data (with same identifiers) will be overwritten.
Public propertyScheduleTriggerRelativeToReplacedTrigger
If true (and OverWriteExistingData is true) then any job/triggers encountered in this file that already exist is scheduler will be updated with start time relative to old trigger. Effectively new trigger's last fire time will be updated to old trigger's last fire time and trigger's next fire time will updated to be next from this last fire time.
Protected propertyTypeLoadHelper

Public methodAddJobGroupToNeverDelete
Protected methodAddJobToSchedule
Public methodAddTriggerGroupToNeverDelete
Protected methodAddTriggerToSchedule
Protected methodAddValidationException
Adds a detected validation exception.
Protected methodBuildTriggersByFQJobNameMap
Protected methodClearValidationExceptions
Resets the number of detected validation exceptions.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodExecutePreProcessCommands
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMaybeThrowValidationException
Throws a ValidationException if the number of validationExceptions detected is greater than zero.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodParseDateIntervalTriggerIntervalUnit
Protected methodParseSimpleTriggerRepeatCount
Protected methodPrepForProcessing
Public methodProcessFile(CancellationToken)
Process the xml file in the default location (a file named "quartz_jobs.xml" in the current working directory).
Public methodProcessFile(String, CancellationToken)
Process the xml file named .
Public methodProcessFile(String, String, CancellationToken)
Process the xmlfile named with the given system ID.
Public methodProcessFileAndScheduleJobs(IScheduler, CancellationToken)
Process the xml file in the default location, and schedule all of the jobs defined within it.
Public methodProcessFileAndScheduleJobs(String, IScheduler, CancellationToken)
Process the xml file in the given location, and schedule all of the jobs defined within it.
Public methodProcessFileAndScheduleJobs(IScheduler, Boolean, CancellationToken)
Process the xml file in the default location, and schedule all of the jobs defined within it.
Public methodProcessFileAndScheduleJobs(String, String, IScheduler, CancellationToken)
Process the xml file in the given location, and schedule all of the jobs defined within it.
Protected methodProcessInternal
Public methodProcessStream
Process the xmlfile named with the given system ID.
Public methodProcessStreamAndScheduleJobs
Process the xml file in the given location, and schedule all of the jobs defined within it.
Protected methodReadMisfireInstructionFromString
Public methodScheduleJobs
Schedules the given sets of jobs and triggers.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodTryParseEnumT

Public fieldStatic memberQuartzXmlFileName
Public fieldStatic memberQuartzXsdResourceName

The xml document must conform to the format defined in "job_scheduling_data_2_0.xsd"

After creating an instance of this class, you should call one of the ProcessFile(CancellationToken) functions, after which you may call the ScheduledJobs() function to get a handle to the defined Jobs and Triggers, which can then be scheduled with the IScheduler. Alternatively, you could call the ProcessFileAndScheduleJobs(IScheduler, CancellationToken) function to do all of this in one step.

The same instance can be used again and again, with the list of defined Jobs being cleared each time you call a ProcessFile(CancellationToken) method, however a single instance is not thread-safe.

See Also
