ISchedulerPauseTriggers Method

Quartz.NET 3.0 API Documentation
Pause all of the ITriggers in the groups matching.

Namespace:  Quartz
Assembly:  Quartz (in Quartz.dll) Version: 3.0.0

Task PauseTriggers(
	GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher,
	CancellationToken cancellationToken = null


Type: Quartz.Impl.MatchersGroupMatcherTriggerKey

[Missing <param name="matcher"/> documentation for "M:Quartz.IScheduler.PauseTriggers(Quartz.Impl.Matchers.GroupMatcher{Quartz.TriggerKey},System.Threading.CancellationToken)"]

cancellationToken (Optional)
Type: System.ThreadingCancellationToken

[Missing <param name="cancellationToken"/> documentation for "M:Quartz.IScheduler.PauseTriggers(Quartz.Impl.Matchers.GroupMatcher{Quartz.TriggerKey},System.Threading.CancellationToken)"]

Return Value

Type: Task

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Quartz.IScheduler.PauseTriggers(Quartz.Impl.Matchers.GroupMatcher{Quartz.TriggerKey},System.Threading.CancellationToken)"]


The Scheduler will "remember" all the groups paused, and impose the pause on any new triggers that are added to any of those groups until it is resumed.

NOTE: There is a limitation that only exactly matched groups can be remembered as paused. For example, if there are pre-existing triggers in groups "aaa" and "bbb" and a matcher is given to pause groups that start with "a" then the group "aaa" will be remembered as paused and any subsequently added triggers in that group be paused, however if a trigger is added to group "axx" it will not be paused, as "axx" wasn't known at the time the "group starts with a" matcher was applied. HOWEVER, if there are pre-existing groups "aaa" and "bbb" and a matcher is given to pause the group "axx" (with a group equals matcher) then no triggers will be paused, but it will be remembered that group "axx" is paused and later when a trigger is added in that group, it will become paused.

See Also
