LoggingJobHistoryPlugin ClassQuartz.NET API Documentation
Logs a history of all job executions (and execution vetos) via common logging.
Inheritance Hierarchy

System Object
  Quartz.Plugin.History LoggingJobHistoryPlugin

Namespace: Quartz.Plugin.History
Assembly: Quartz (in Quartz.dll) Version:

public class LoggingJobHistoryPlugin : ISchedulerPlugin, 

The logged message is customizable by setting one of the following message properties to a string that conforms to the syntax of Format(String, Object).

JobToBeFiredMessage - available message data are:
ElementData TypeDescription
0StringThe Job's Name.
1StringThe Job's Group.
2DateThe current time.
3StringThe Trigger's name.
4StringThe Triggers's group.
5DateThe scheduled fire time.
6DateThe next scheduled fire time.
7IntegerThe re-fire count from the JobExecutionContext.
The default message text is "Job {1}.{0} fired (by trigger {4}.{3}) at: {2:HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy}"

JobSuccessMessage - available message data are:
ElementData TypeDescription
0StringThe Job's Name.
1StringThe Job's Group.
2DateThe current time.
3StringThe Trigger's name.
4StringThe Triggers's group.
5DateThe scheduled fire time.
6DateThe next scheduled fire time.
7IntegerThe re-fire count from the JobExecutionContext.
8ObjectThe string value (toString() having been called) of the result (if any) that the Job set on the JobExecutionContext, with on it. "NULL" if no result was set.
The default message text is "Job {1}.{0} execution complete at {2:HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy} and reports: {8}"

JobFailedMessage - available message data are:
ElementData TypeDescription
0StringThe Job's Name.
1StringThe Job's Group.
2DateThe current time.
3StringThe Trigger's name.
4StringThe Triggers's group.
5DateThe scheduled fire time.
6DateThe next scheduled fire time.
7IntegerThe re-fire count from the JobExecutionContext.
8StringThe message from the thrown JobExecution Exception.
The default message text is "Job {1}.{0} execution failed at {2:HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy} and reports: {8}"

JobWasVetoedMessage - available message data are:
ElementData TypeDescription
0StringThe Job's Name.
1StringThe Job's Group.
2DateThe current time.
3StringThe Trigger's name.
4StringThe Triggers's group.
5DateThe scheduled fire time.
6DateThe next scheduled fire time.
7IntegerThe re-fire count from the JobExecutionContext.
The default message text is "Job {1}.{0} was vetoed. It was to be fired (by trigger {4}.{3}) at: {2:HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy}"

See Also