StdSchedulerFactory ClassQuartz.NET API Documentation
An implementation of ISchedulerFactory that does all of it's work of creating a QuartzScheduler instance based on the contenents of a properties file.
Inheritance Hierarchy

System Object
  Quartz.Impl StdSchedulerFactory

Namespace: Quartz.Impl
Assembly: Quartz (in Quartz.dll) Version:

public class StdSchedulerFactory : ISchedulerFactory

By default a properties are loaded from App.config's quartz section. If that fails, then the "" file located (as a embedded resource) in Quartz.dll is loaded. If you wish to use a file other than these defaults, you must define the system property '' to point to the file you want.

See the sample properties that are distributed with Quartz for information about the various settings available within the file.

Alternativly, you can explicitly Initialize the factory by calling one of the Initialize  methods before calling GetScheduler .

Instances of the specified IJobStore, IThreadPool, classes will be created by name, and then any additional properties specified for them in the config file will be set on the instance by calling an equivalent 'set' method. For example if the properties file contains the property 'quartz.jobStore. myProp = 10' then after the JobStore class has been instantiated, the property 'MyProp' will be set with the value. Type conversion to primitive CLR types (int, long, float, double, boolean, enum and string) are performed before calling the property's setter method.

See Also