Quartz.Simpl NamespaceQuartz.NET API Documentation

Public classCascadingClassLoadHelper
A ITypeLoadHelper uses all of the ITypeLoadHelper types that are found in this package in its attempts to load a class, when one scheme is found to work, it is promoted to the scheme that will be used first the next time a class is loaded (in order to improve perfomance).
Public classHostnameInstanceIdGenerator
IInstanceIdGenerator that names the scheduler instance using just the machine hostname.

This class is useful when you know that your scheduler instance will be the only one running on a particular machine. Each time the scheduler is restarted, it will get the same instance id as long as the machine is not renamed.

Public classLoadingLoaderClassLoadHelper
A ITypeLoadHelper that uses either the loader of it's own class.
Public classPropertySettingJobFactory
A JobFactory that instantiates the Job instance (using the default no-arg constructor, or more specifically: InstantiateType(Type)), and then attempts to set all values in the JobExecutionContext's JobDataMap onto bean properties of the IJob.
Public classRAMJobStore
This class implements a IJobStore that utilizes RAM as its storage device.

As you should know, the ramification of this is that access is extrememly fast, but the data is completely volatile - therefore this IJobStore should not be used if true persistence between program shutdowns is required.

Public classRemotingSchedulerExporter
Scheduler exporter that exports scheduler to remoting context.
Public classSimpleClassLoadHelper
A ITypeLoadHelper that simply calls GetType(String).
Public classSimpleInstanceIdGenerator
The default InstanceIdGenerator used by Quartz when instance id is to be automatically generated. Instance id is of the form HOSTNAME + CURRENT_TIME.
Public classSimpleJobFactory
The default JobFactory used by Quartz - simply calls InstantiateType(Type) on the job class.
Public classSimpleThreadPool
This is class is a simple implementation of a thread pool, based on the IThreadPool interface.

IThreadRunnable objects are sent to the pool with the RunInThread(IThreadRunnable) method, which blocks until a Thread becomes available.

The pool has a fixed number of Threads, and does not grow or shrink based on demand.

Protected classSimpleThreadPool WorkerThread
A Worker loops, waiting to Execute tasks.
Public classTriggerWrapper
Helper wrapper class
Public classZeroSizeThreadPool
This is class is a simple implementation of a zero size thread pool, based on the
{@link org.quartz.spi.ThreadPool}

Public interfaceIRemotableQuartzScheduler

Public enumerationInternalTriggerState
Possible internal trigger states in RAMJobStore