Quartz.Listener NamespaceQuartz.NET API Documentation

Public classBroadcastSchedulerListener
Holds a List of references to SchedulerListener instances and broadcasts all events to them (in order).
Public classFilterAndBroadcastJobListener
Holds a List of references to JobListener instances and broadcasts all events to them (in order) - if the event is not excluded via filtering (read on).
Public classFilterAndBroadcastTriggerListener
Holds a List of references to TriggerListener instances and broadcasts all events to them (in order) - if the event is not excluded via filtering (read on).
Public classJobChainingJobListener
Keeps a collection of mappings of which Job to trigger after the completion of a given job. If this listener is notified of a job completing that has a mapping, then it will then attempt to trigger the follow-up job. This achieves "job chaining", or a "poor man's workflow".
Public classJobListenerSupport
A helpful abstract base class for implementors of IJobListener.
Public classSchedulerListenerSupport
A helpful abstract base class for implementors of ISchedulerListener.
Public classTriggerListenerSupport
A helpful abstract base class for implementors of ITriggerListener.